Month: August 2019

Put Yourself in Places That Inspire You

Does your physical space inspire you? Does it bring out the best in you?

When to Fire a Client or Customer!

To keep yourself, your team, and your business healthy – it’s occasionally necessary to “fire” a customer. In this episode I’ll tell you when and how to make this decision!

How to Attract Clients You Like to Work With

Every business owner has a handful of clients they really like working with. In this episode, I’ll tell you how you can attract more of them!

Four Strategies for Your Next Trade Show

Trade shows and events can be a great source of new leads and customers for your business. Here are four strategies to help you succeed!

When Facebook Goes Down, Does Your Marketing Go With It?

It’s dangerous to rely too heavily on any one marketing channel. Facebook’s recent outages are a good example.

Do you have a diversified marketing system?